Kimberly Spencer Wants Everyone to Find Their Crown at EmpowerCon 2019
When first meeting Kimberly Spencer, one thing sticks out almost immediately and remains prominent throughout the encounter; Spencer is tremendously comfortable in her own skin, and she wants nothing more than to share that feeling of self-confidence with as many people as possible.
“One of the big things that I want to bring to EmpowerCon is the empowerment that comes from personal choice, owning where you are right now, allowing yourself to forgive the past, and figuring out where in your life you are blaming and how to move forward from there,”explains Spencer.
The power of personal choice is more than a message for Spencer, as before she became an award-winning high performance coach or an Amazon best-selling co-author, she had to practice her future preachings to pull herself out of a life filled with toxicity. Growing up in a household with an addict father, Spencer’s home life was infused with tense situations, forcing her to search for an escape along with outside positive role models.
“Growing up in the household of an addict, there was never any stability, in terms of knowing which dad would be coming home,” details Spencer. “One of the things that got me into the stories of strong women was that I was looking for mentors.”
Aside from her mother, Spencer found her strong role models in the form of princesses, specifically fierce princesses like Pocahontas. However, finding the role models she yearned for didn’t help her escape from the trauma of her upbringing, as she would go on to figure out that only she could pull herself out of that hole.
“I developed an eating disorder when I was 12-years-old, and it lasted for about ten years,” recalls Spencer. “For awhile, I blamed my dad, my mom and everybody. I was stuck in a victim mentality. When you hold onto that mentality of blame, it’s no longer that person’s fault it’s yours because you made the choice to continuously walk with that. For eight years, I blamed my dad, and it wasn’t until I remedied that blame and realized it was never my dad shoving my finger down my throat. It was me.”
Realizing her responsibility in where she was in life allowed Spencer to take control of her circumstances and live with a level of self-confidence many dream of obtaining. Much like the princesses she used to look up to, Spencer wants to fight for everyone to fulfill their dreams; with that in mind, she created
“Crown Yourself has been the culmination of my life, from going through body image issues, abusive relationships and business failures. It embraces the holistic creative entrepreneur as a whole,”explains Spencer.
Through Crown Yourself, Spencer has helped countless men and women reach career and personal goals, as she implements the same strategy that shifted her life in an attempt to assist the lives of others. The helpful nature of Spencer and Crown Yourself will be put on display at EmpowerCon 2019, as the international motivational speaker will have a prominent voice throughout the event.
“I want to give EmpowerCon attendees a real clear picture as to what are the tangible steps that will lead them into the lives that they truly want to live where they’re empowered and act as the king or queen of their life.”
To obtain your life’s crown from Kimberly Spencer, attend EmpowerCon 2019 on August 31st at the Los Angeles Convention Center and visit
Written by Taj Mayfield